Tailored HIPAA Education & Training

Tailored HIPAA Education & Training – Many organizations make the mistake of believing that a “HIPAA 101” online or written training is sufficient for HIPAA compliance. The Privacy rule clarifies that HIPAA training courses should be included in the covered entity’s own HIPAA Privacy Policies and Procedures. While “HIPAA 101” training is beneficial to establish a general understanding, it is not sufficient to ensure proper adherence to compliance programs.

The HIPAA Security rule further establishes the need for focused training by requiring security awareness and periodic security reminders. Security reminders are often implemented by reminding a workforce of threats or actual incidents that have occurred.

PrivaPlan™ offers fully customizable HIPAA education and training programs that exceed the requirements of the Security and Privacy Rules. We’ll utilize our arsenal of tools to help you meet and maintain compliance!

Live virtual training utilizing webcast technology.

Customized, recorded webcast training designed specifically for your organization.

Training materials and templates to use by your organization for as long as you’d like.

Security Reminder Video Series to distribute regularly to your employees (coming in 2016).

Audio seminars on select topics including the final HIPAA Omnibus Rule.

Brief video training “snippets” covering a particular topic of HIPAA compliance.


REMEMBER: The PrivaPlan HIPAA Privacy and Security Compliance Online Toolkit subscription includes regular HIPAA newsletters that can easily be used for ongoing awareness and reminders!

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