Protect your data from phishing and ransomware

When you get in your car, it’s click-it or ticket. Plain and simple, buckle up. When you get in your email account, however, clicking it could be risking it for your entire organization. Whereas it may sound plain and simple and straight up obvious to not click suspicious links because it could be a phishing scheme that opens the door for cybercriminals to do their dirty work, it still happens. Take, for instance, the Anthem phishing scam in 2015, where persons receiving counterfeit emails disclosed personal information, adversely affecting millions of patients. Ouch!

More recently, in hospitals from Hollywood to D.C., ransomware attacks have turned health IT departments upside down as staff feverishly attempt to restore access to patient records. Defending patient privacy means protecting electronic Protected Health Information, or ePHI, from those unauthorized to view such sensitive information. A covered entity must be confident that its users know how to protect themselves from becoming victims of cybercrime.

The Anti-Phishing Working Group and National Cyber Security Alliance, give three key steps to avoid falling prey to phishing schemes. In a nutshell, they are:

1 STOP: If something looks suspicious, it probably is!

2 THINK: Process the available information before taking action.

3 CONNECT: Be wise while connected online.

We at PrivaPlan Associates, Inc., would add one more step, perhaps even move it to the #1 spot: EDUCATE. And we make it plain and simple for you to do that.

As the authority in HIPAA Compliance, PrivaPlan recently launched a Security Reminder Video Series featuring 7 videos that touch on hot HIPAA risk topics and current over-reaching security concerns. The videos are designed to be distributed to all staff on a periodic basis to meet the HIPAA Security Rule’s reminder requirement (45 CFR §164.308(a)(5)(ii)(A)).

The Security Reminder Video Series is built on software that is easy to use. The powerful video metrics engine allows administrators to see which videos have been shared and viewed; when they were viewed and by whom; and how long the viewer was engaged with the video.

“Our Security Reminder Video Series provides concise, organized and easy-to-follow guidance on important HIPAA security risks and issues,” said David Ginsberg, co-founder and president of PrivaPlan. “They’ve been carefully crafted to optimize learning by employees and provide intelligent video metrics to Compliance Officials.”

For more information or to place an order visit, email or call 877-218-7707.

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