ONC Releases Draft Health IT Plan for Comment

Health IT Plan Promotes Improved Access

Health IT Plan Promotes Improved Access

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), released the new draft of the 2024–2030 Federal Health IT Strategic Plan on March 27. The comment period is open through May 28, 2024.

This draft plan aims to cultivate a healthier, more innovative, and equitable healthcare experience. It is comprised of a set of goals, objectives, and strategies designed to steer federal efforts in healthcare IT, with a focus on fostering scientific innovation and revitalizing the nation’s public health infrastructure. Central to this strategy is the promotion of improved access to and utilization of electronic health information (EHI).

Key Goals and Objectives of the Health IT Plan:

Elevating Data Accessibility:

  • This strategy focuses on implementing policies and innovative technologies to support the diverse data needs of all health IT users.
  • Aiming to improve access to EHI, it echoes the recent HTI-1 Final Rule principles that promote fairness and transparency in healthcare delivery.


Enhanced Infrastructure for Public Health Data:

  • The plan acknowledges the increasing importance of health IT in public health efforts.
  • It highlights the need for a robust public health data infrastructure that benefits all communities.


Strengthening Cybersecurity:

  • In response to growing cybersecurity concerns, this plan aligns with HHS’s cybersecurity concept paper and voluntary Cybersecurity Performance Goals (CPGs).
  • It encourages healthcare organizations to prioritize cybersecurity practices to safeguard sensitive data and ensure the integrity of healthcare services.


Health IT Plan to Serve as Roadmap

The draft plan was developed in collaboration with more than 25 federal organizations that regulate, purchase, develop, and use health IT to help deliver care and improve patient health.

When finalized, the 2024-2030 strategic blueprint will function as a roadmap for federal agencies, enabling them to streamline resource allocation, synchronize interagency efforts, communicate priorities to private-sector partners, and establish benchmarks for evaluating progress over time.

For more information about the draft Plan, how it impacts your organization, and how you can stay HIPAA compliant, contact the privacy and security experts at info@privaplan.com or call 877-218-7707.

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